Saturday, November 8, 2008

Oh Joy: November 4, 2008

Oh personal joy....

New York joy....

American joy....

Japanese, Egyptian, French, Swedish, Australian, Polish, African joy....

Global joy....

Celestial joy....


Anonymous said...

It's a weird and happy feeling to be with the majority, for once.

This really touched my heart:

NAIROBI, Kenya---- For many across Africa and the world, Barack Obama's election seals America's reputation as a land of staggering opportunity.

''If it were possible for me to get to the United States on my bicycle, I would,'' said Joseph Ochieng, a 36-year-old carpenter who lives in Kenya's sprawling Kibera shantytown, a maze of tin-roofed shacks and dirt roads.

Roof Coatings said...

Can you tell me what's the reason behind your post. I can't get it. What kind of joy that you want to share with us.

Barbara said...

Dear Roof Coatings:
I was overjoyed by Obama's victory.